Way Truth Life - Week Three - Day Three
Jesus Calms the storm
Reading: Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25
They were terrified and asked each other,
“Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!
Mark 4:41 (NIV84)
Today’s Journey
In Luke's Gospel, Jesus teaches that prayer is more than just words. Jesus tells the story of a bold, persistent man who knocks on the door of a friend late at night. The man will not go away until his friend rises and helps him. The issue in the story is boldness.
One of my favorite writers says this.
“What counts is persistence. There are all sorts of ways in which God isn’t like a sleepy friend, but Jesus is focusing on one point of comparison only: He is encouraging a kind of holy boldness, a sharp knocking on the door, an insistent asking, a search that refuses to give up. That’s what our prayer should be like. This isn’t just a routine or formal praying, going through the motions as a daily or weekly task. There is a battle on, a fight with the powers of darkness, and those who have glimpsed the light are called to struggle in prayer—for peace, for reconciliation, for wisdom, for a thousand things for the world and the church, perhaps a hundred or two for one’s own family, friends and neighbours, and perhaps a dozen or two for oneself.”
Tom Wright, Luke for Everyone (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2004), 134.
Are you stubborn for the right things? What is God asking you to be stubborn for in your prayers?